Irvine, CA – May 22, 2013 - Award-Winning Entrepreneur, America’s High Speed Success Trainer, International Speaker, #1 Best-Selling Author, and Champion Motorcycle Racer who sings like an Angel, Nadine Lajoie launches a new Meetup group to encourage people to focus on their passions and hobbies, especially during difficult times like these. Nadine welcomes the relatives of the Oklahoma victims living in Orange County/Riverside, California, to join her at the first Meetup on May 29 at 7pm, at: POSH Restaurant, 18912 MacArthur Blvd, Irvine, CA, 92612.
Suicide is increasing at an alarming rate every year. Only a handful of people talk about it, unless something life-threatening happens and this is one of the reasons Nadine started a non-profit organization “Keep Dreaming, Keep Living” and will hold a Meetup group entitled: Adventurers, Leaders and Entrepreneurs of OC/Riverside. The group is focused on promoting fun and passion for leaders and entrepreneurs, but is open to anyone facing life challenges or feeling discouraged, and wants to learn how to overcome life and business challenges, become unstoppable and never give-up in life.
“This support and networking group will clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts and problems. Piano and volleyball saved my life, so fun, passion and vacations were part of my solution. That is why I want to help individuals to discover their passions and find long-term solutions to problems whether big or small,” says Nadine, who went from hopelessness and contemplating suicide in 1995 – to fearlessness and professional success.
As I always say, life and business are similar to motorcycle racing. When you have an opportunity to pass someone on the racetrack, the window is open for a fraction of a second. If you don’t take your chance now, it will be too late. How many times in life does an opportunity presents itself and you hesitate, either to commit when it’s too late or you remain noncommital and many years later, you regret that decision and say to others “you are so lucky.” There is no such thing as luck and what I always say is: “Luck begins by taking action.”
We see the behavior of people in many areas, but I think in the stock and real estate markets, that is quite obvious. You always hear about investing when it’s low, and selling when it’s high, but who really does that? I own a financial service and a real estate firm and when the market is down, people become fearful, they want to get out, so we have to prevent our clients from making a mistake and that is not always easy. On the “up-swing,” when everything goes right, or when too many people realize there is a good opportunity, now many people jump on board, but often, by that time, it is too late.
Recently, I came across an amazing business opportunity that I had heard about over a year ago, but I didn’t take action and now realize what I have missed, after I saw their business projections and amazing results. Better too late than never! So, I finally decided to join and now I have the opportunity to develop the market in Canada and India (after returning from my 2 speaking events for Entrepreneurs in Mumbai and Pune) as long as I can align myself with a few great leaders. Everything is all about your connections and team members.
Many years ago, I visited Atlanta and ate at a Subway and told myself I should bring that to Quebec as that is brilliant! Sure enough, all excited, I shared my idea with few friends, they all discouraged me, so I forgot about the idea, like many of us do! A few years later, Subways started to spring up all over Quebec and I missed my opportunity to be a pioneer. In hindsight, at the very least, I should have pursued the idea, conducted some research, market analysis, etc., but I didn’t and lost a considerable amount of potential income by my inaction and my “don’t try attitude.”
I encourage you to write down a list of at least 5 or 10 opportunities you’ve missed in your life, or due to bad timing that you’ve encountered in some of your decisions, and outline the lessons you’ve learned from those experiences.
In life, there are 3 types of people:
1- Those who are pioneers, always looking for new opportunities and leading the way, so they become successful.
2- Others who are in the race, either in the front or in the “back of the pack,” but at least they are participating and get some great opportunities.
3- Lastly, there are those who don’t even know there is a race, or you tell them to come and watch and they don’t care and when you come back home with a trophy, they envy you or say that you are lucky!
Don’t let your fears, self-doubts, limiting beliefs or pre-conceived ideas push away the next opportunity you come across. There are so many great opportunities out there for different products and services. Please let me know how I can help you make the next smart move, a better, faster decision, analyzing the pros and cons of your business and help you realize your dreams to create passive or residual income. Request your free consultation
This month, I wanted to share the highlights of our event in Montreal, but my friend and business partner in Montreal, Donna De Luca, did a way better job than I could have done to recap it, from a different point of view. Thank you Donna.
On August 18 &19 in Montreal, Quebec Canada took place the 2nd International RACING TO SUCCESS breakthrough summit! The adrenaline was high and the transformation that took place was beyond what I had anticipated to experience. Transformation on a personal, professional and spiritual level… rare to live all that in one event. Nadine Lajoie’s vision definitely came to life at 180 mph! She held true to her vision of bringing her concept to the racetrack.
The room was filled with entrepreneurs, healers, international speakers, education experts, coaches, teenagers, and people from all walks of life ready to win the race to success! The roar of the motorcycles on the track added to the adrenaline of high energy. Those brave enough to say YES to the tandem motorcycle ride at 180mph were welcomed with a new level of awareness of who they were. First thing to face was FEAR and the danger that yes at that speed there is a risk. Nadine’s life experience as a racer was delivered through her program. For some it was a dream of the adrenaline rush but for most it was to face their fears and break free of whatever limitations was holding them back.
I will share on a personal level. Having worked with Nadine prior to event I knew her laser coaching to be very efficient and the results were at 180mph!!! I was ready for a new race. I had gone back to hiding and put my dreams on a shelf once again. I set intention to BREAKFREE from this ride. I learned so much about myself as I was getting ready to get on the bike I wanted to break free from what is holding me back. I wanted to be very aware of what it was. Awareness is first step to change. The minute I met the professional rider I realized my trust issues surfaced. I had to trust this stranger at 180mph disregarding he was a professional. He gave me guidelines for a successful ride. I never one second thought of the danger until I was on the track and witnessed an accident but as Nadine teaches stay focused one corner at the time. How many times do we get distracted in a day? Distraction is an easy way to self-sabotage our success. The rider also instructed to go with the flow and follow his rhythm and dance with the bike. Dance with the bike at 180mph, how can that be possible? I realized at what point I wanted to be in control and my whole body contracted from the resistance. This was such a powerful awareness on how being present to the NOW and follow life’s’ rhythm to trust we are always guided and supported. As I let go slowly and trusted I enjoyed the ride and was fulfilled with the whole new level of awareness of where I am in my professional, personal and spiritual life.
My BREAKFREE team crossed the finish line and released many fears, resistance, fear of being seen, fear of standing in our own power, fear of trusting and embraced the experience of RACING to SUCCESS. Recognize your dreams, take action daily, do the inner work of caring for yourself and your loved ones, “In-Power” yourself daily, surround yourself with people that support you and your vision and NEVER GIVE UP!
From the education received inside the room to the connections with attendees and the experience lived on the track it was a transformational 2 days everyone should experience. Make sure to join us next year in Montreal or in another city near you! Visit for “Racing to Success” event dates and locations, for information on our global tour or become part of the TEAM in your city!
PS: A huge thank you to Eric Moffette and Pascal Bastien from ASM, Alan Labrosse from Autodrome St-Eustache and Moto Nation for all their support for this event!
Video :
Donna De Luca
Global Transformational Leader, Inspirational Speaker, International Published Author
Oh NO! You’ve blundered! What can you do to own up to your mistake without making things worse? How will you recover your dignity and repair your damaged credibility?
First, stay calm. The world will not come to an end even though you’ve done something stupid (or at the very least, misguided). We have all been there done that! No one is perfect.
Actually,blunders (big and small) are learning experiences that can give you important insights about yourself and make you a better, stronger person. But you do have to take responsibility for what you’ve done. The worst thing to do when you make a mistake is to deny you made it, or cover it up by by offering in insincere apology or worse, make an excuse, joke about it, or blame something or someone else. Admit the error as soon as you’re aware of it and sincerely apologize (it’s like pulling off a band-aid–first it smarts but then there’s relief). As a follow up, if it’s appropriate, ask for an opportunity to clear up the error as best you can, or make it up to the person in some other way.
Some people view admitting a mistake as the ultimate loss of control but “fessing up” to an error is a testament to your character, courage and strength. You can do it! The sooner, the better.
If you’ve made a very serious mistake, showing genuine remorse is absolutely necessary. “I’m sorry” is just not enough. Make sure the you verbalize how badly you feel that you’ve caused harm or suffering, and pledge to do whatever is humanly possible to make things better. You can't "buy" someone's forgiveness, but a sincere apology along with whatever you can do to erase the mistake, and something like a lovely floral arrangement, can help show you are sincere. In cases where there isn’t any way to make amends, all you can do is show your deep regret, and vow never to repeat the mistake again.
Most people really do feel emotions ranging from fear to guilt, shame, and even, humiliation after they’ve done something wrong, and it takes a while for these feelings to fade. Hopefully you’ve apologized, made amends, and your apology was accepted. If you still squirm every time you think about what happened, you haven’t resolved the issue, adequately. Forgive yourself, and focus your attention on positive things you can do to boost your confidence and self esteem.
This all sounds easy, and sometimes it isn’t, but while it’s hard to openly admit an error, a lack of judgment, an uncalled-for action, a thoughtless or tasteless remark, disrespectful or illegal behavior, or a poor performance that has caused a negative result, refusing to accept that you’ve done it undermines your integrity and self-respect at a time when your self-esteem and confidence are already shaken. Admitting to a mistake and accepting the consequences proves to yourself and those around you that you are decent human being, and that you are ethical and compassionate enough to feel terrible. The acceptance and apology sets the healing process in motion.
Ultimately the best damage control is to learn from the mistake and not to repeat it. Even a huge mistake doesn’t wipe out a lifetime of good deeds, thoughts, and actions. So be the good person you know you are. Volunteer, be extra helpful to someone, focus on friends and family, and renew your positive feelings.
If you are on the receiving end of an apology, you are not obligated to accept it, but be as understand as you can, remembering that no one goes through life without making some errors. You already know the person who made the mistake feels bad. Holding onto your anger and focusing on the mistake to the point that you lose sight of the other person’s value is hurtful and unprofessional. However, if someone makes the same mistake over and over, followed by a string of “I’m sorry’s” (but who never learns from his or her actions) this is probably someone not worthy of continual forgiveness. Someone who is truly regretful and strives to learn from his or her mistake, is.
Alison Blackman is a relationship expert and author, and the co-creator of the new, relationship-oriented website called: Leather and Lace Advice with two unique views (a man's and a woman's) for every issue. Alison is also the creator of The Advice Sisters Website . She is credited with bringing the advice/info-tainment genre online.
I am still so excited! I was being interviewed by Catherine Perrin, the morning show host for Radio Canada (CBC French), 95.1FM, when they surprised me by bringing Janette Bertrand on the phone line, the TV host of “L’Amour Avec un Grand A” who saved my life in 1995 when I nearly committing suicide. They had read my story from my book 'Win the Race of Life' and without my knowledge, in this day of worldwide suicide prevention day, they had created this surprise. I was a little shaken during the interview as this was a very touching moment for me.
The last evening in 1995, lying on my black leather sofa, in a distressful state, miserable with my life, crying with all my heart, I watched TV and stumbled upon this program against suicide. I wanted to put an end to my days and not live any longer, even if I did excel in music, sports, and in my studies at school. I had good parents and a lovely family; however, I had evil in my soul as many of you can relate to.....
With an emptiness inside, the pain of living cannot be explained, especially when one excels at many pursuits. So I felt alone and isolated, but that evening on TV, Ms. Bertrand said to contact at least one person or call the suicide prevention hotline. So I decided to call my mother at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. I could not go on anymore! She listened to me, with all her heart and soul, without judgment and it saved my life. Now, I created a non-profit foundation and I speak openly to help and inspire others to find purpose and meaning in their lives, with all my lectures and interviews, in schools, organizations, but also in the corporate world even when I talk about business, leadership and success. It can happen to anyone! We should just listen...
This feeling of depression and suicidal tendencies afflicts many people in the world and is not always due to a mental illness. The suicide rate has increased 30% in the United States in 10 years, increasing from 13.2 suicides to 17.9 per 100,000 people. In 2002, in Quebec, the statistic was even higher at 19.1 per 100,000 people. This is completely unacceptable. For me, my big dreams, passions, ideals, traveling, playing the piano, guitar and volleyball, all helped me get through those tough times.
My advice is to: think big, live your life for the better, read, listen to music, meditate, walk in nature, talk to people who will listen to you, find "coaches" and "mentors" to support you, people who you connect with. The only way out is to take one step at a time along with thinking one positive thought at a time. Life can be so beautiful when you open up and are willing to get out of your comfort zone, when one discovers inner power.
So it's for these reasons that I share my experiences, all my successes along with my failures, to restore hope, give some tools and strategies to people in this situation. My strategies also work for those who already have some success and feel good inside, helping them to reach the top and achieve greater success, with the adrenaline and the attitude of winners with my unique training events at the racetrack. For more information or for a complimentary evaluation session with me on the internet or by phone, you can visit or call 949-421-7562.
Aujourd'hui, il y a tant de femmes puissantes qui nous entourent, nous devons accorder plus d'attention à l'énergie féminine et leurs attributs pour atteindre plus de succès en affaires. Je suis toujours surprise de voir les statistiques de femmes cadres qui sont sur les comités ou travaillant avec de grandes entreprises, encore trop faible, même en 2013. J'ai vu que seulement 14,2 % des cadres dans les entreprises Fortune 500 sont des femmes, et pour moi, c'est inacceptable. Oui, je comprends que les femmes, pendant la grossesse doivent se retirer du marché pour quelques années, ce qui ralentit leur évolution dans la société, mais par la suite, une femme dans ses années 40 ou 50's devrait avoir les mêmes chances et la même reconnaissance qu'un homme.
Beaucoup de femmes et d'hommes dans le monde entier me demandent comment j'ai pû performer dans un monde d'hommes dans trois secteurs complètement différents, et je veux partager avec vous les 3 secrets que j'ai appris au cours des 18 dernières années en affaires.
Dans mon entreprise financière, j'ai appris beaucoup en participant à un très grand nombre de séminaires et de formations éducatives en finances, affaires, abris fiscaux et programmes de "leadership" que j'ai pû trouver. Même si je n'étais pas capable de parler anglais, j'ai appris en anglais parce que je savais que le monde des affaires se déroule en anglais et j'avais besoin de l'apprendre, peu importe. J'ai appliqué au moins 1-2 points que j'ai appris de chaque événement et les ai intégrés dans ma pratique pour moi-même et partagés avec mes 800 clients autant que possible. Sans prendre de mesures massives chaque fois, je n'aurais jamais obtenu plus de 12 prix d'excellence en affaire et été reconnue dans le top 10% chez Groupe Financier Peak dans tout le Canada.
Pour réaliser les défis et le but que vous voulez accomplir, vous devrez sortir de votre zone de confort et de vivre sur la limite, si vous voulez être à votre Sommet. Mon cerveau a toujours fonctionné à haute vitesse et c'est pourquoi j'ai été en mesure de devenir une pilote championne de moto de course dans la catégorie féminine, mais ma 3e place à Daytona contre 75 hommes et 9e dans un championnat Américain ont été le "summum" pour moi. J'ai dû sortir de ma zone de confort, acquérir de nouvelles compétences à 33 ans, demander de l'aide et surmonter toutes les craintes et les défis que j'ai dû faire face. Je sais que c'est un exemple extrême, mais mon point est que si j'ai pû le faire, vous pouvez obtenir tout ce qui semble impossible dans votre vie. Au début, je le faisais juste pour le plaisir et l'envie de gagner, mais l'effectuer et peformer est une question de mentalité. La mentalité de champion, le focus et la discipline d'accomplir tout, est une compétence d'apprentissage vous devez maîtriser et c'est pourquoi j'ai créé différents programmes maintenant pour enseigner cette compétence-clé.
Nous savons tous que les gens font affaire avec vous à cause de vous tout d'abord. Vous pouvez avoir le meilleur produit sur la planète, le meilleur service client, mais si vous n'êtes pas là, si vous ne vivez pas votre marque, personnes ne vous fera confiance et vous ne pourrez pas augmenter vos ventes. « Vous devez utiliser tout que vous avez » comme ma mentor pour les médias Jill Lublin dit toujours. Pour moi, la moto de course est mon élément accrocheur, mais mes connaissances en affaires et expériences ainsi que mes talents musicaux font partie de ma proposition de vente unique dans l'industrie des conférenciers et c'est pourquoi j'ai été en mesure de partager les grandes scènes comme TEDx ou avec Les Brown, T. Harv Eker, Tom Hopkins, Marianne Williamson et beaucoup d'autres. Quels sont vos points forts uniques? Quelle est votre histoire, votre crédibilité, votre essence, vos valeurs? Qu'est ce que vous avez que nous pouvons travailler là-dessus pour bâtir votre marque de commerce? Et s'il vous plaît, n'oubliez pas de tenir vos engagements et faire tout ce que vous dites que vous allez faire.
Ces 3 secrets sont juste un petit aperçu pour vous aider à réfléchir à votre positionnement dès maintenant et réfléchir à comment vous pouvez vous améliorer dans ces trois domaines.
Exercice du mois : trouvez 2 ou 3 histoires ou des expériences que vous avez dans ces trois domaines, décrire pourquoi vous êtes unique, vos forces et vos faiblesses pour chaque point et mettez tout cela dans votre livre de rêves. Vous remarquerez une tendance ou quelques idées qui vous aideront à grandir et prendre votre prochaine étape.
Featured on National Television and in several magazines.
(Irvine, CA) November 13, 2013 – 16 times International Award-Winning Entrepreneur, World Renowned Leadership Speaker and America's High Speed Success Coach, Nadine Lajoie is an official guest speaker at The African Legacy International Conference, Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Abuja, Nigeria, November 20-22, 2013. The convention brings together 700 delegates and representatives from over 75 countries to discuss “Leadership, Good Governance and Globalization”.
Nadine will be speaking with many notables including the esteemed Dr. Sam C. Anurigwo, the Country Director, Nigeria American Institute for International Policy Makers and Public Administrators and the former Permanent Secretary of the State of Nigeria. The Conference includes a formal "Captains Dinner" and Awards Ceremony during which illustrious leaders or "Captains," across all disciplines will be acknowledged for their contributions and legacies.
A Millionaire and retired at the age of 41 from her financial business in Ile-Perrot, QC, since 1995, Nadine coached over 800 clients in their finances, business, real estate and personal empowerment. She is delivering inspirational team building and leadership programs worldwide for executives, business owners and non-profit organizations.
As a former champion motorcycle racer, Nadine uses motorcycle racing for strong analogy, she “In-Powers” leaders to achieve high success and peak performance at 180 MPH! Her hope is to convey to the audience that they can recognize their own dreams and power, are uplifted and thus motivated to care more strongly for themselves and achieve their goals. Nadine's message: You too can Win the Race of Life and you can do it at 180 MPH, with the balance and passion of a champion!
Nadine will be available for media interviews and consultations in Nigeria until Nov 24. Please contact Media Productions National PR firm at 949-421-7562 or visit
WOW! I cannot believe that I found an airport worse than Montreal/Dorval: Frankfurt! I had to walk about 5 miles between flights (maybe not that much, but it felt like it!), from gate Z to B, without a train or shuttle. Really? I've never experienced that before. Had to pass a police screening while exiting the plane, plus another security checkpoint with a long line. We were just in transit, staying at the airport, so why did we have to get through all those check points in between flights, that makes no sense! The monitors did not indicate the assigned gates and so two flights were scheduled at the same gate and no-one was available to tell us which flight needed a gate change. Unfortunately, my gate was changed and it was a really long walk back.
On the other hand, I had a great experience flying with Lufthansa! They understand on-board customer service, even for economy class, with free meals, free wine or cocktails, and free Baileys or a digestive. WOW!!! At the other end of the spectrum are the US airlines who almost charge for a glass of water! I don't know if US companies perform a cost-analysis but those small details in customer satisfaction should not cost so much. Why does flying from California to Montreal cost almost $700, whereas flying from California to Africa costs only $1151? Is it because other companies have better management, less employees and are more efficient in their back office? I wonder... but I'm sure they cannot lose more money than our North American Airlines (aside from SouthWest who are more profitable than all the other ones combined, if I remember correctly). Unfortunately, Lufthansa did lose my luggage for 2 days upon my arrival, so I gave my official speech without my nice outfit and had to go the gala award dinner without my dress. Finally, two days later, I had to go back to the airport again, hire a driver for two hours, because they could not deliver the luggage to the hotel. I could not even send someone, I had to go myself, because of security, what is wrong with this picture?
All this brings me to talk about my next point: how can you improve efficiency in your business? To make more profit, there are only 2 ways: either increase revenues or decrease expenses.
1- Increase Revenues: Having more clients and being able to serve them properly is always a major challenge. Another way is increasing your pricing by offering more high-end ticket items and providing specialized advice, serve a better clientele and bring something unique to your clients so they are willing to pay more for your services. Working for a client who will give you $100k or $10k is probably the same amount of effort, so why not focus your energy in finding a solution.
2- Decrease Expenses: Having "A Players" as employees, team members or strategic partners may cost more in the short term but should be profitable in the long term. If you want to decrease your monthly expenses, you need to systemize everything, and use technology as much as you can. I'm always surprised to see many clients and employees, repeat the same task without even thinking of establishing any kind of process to automate or delegate each time, so they don't forget what to do and can save so much time going back and forth with management. Having a better vision and corporate goals will also help your employees understand why you are doing this or that. If you are doing it with integrity and to help other people, they should understand and be more productive, knowing this is to create a better life for other people by giving back to the community.
Bottom line, net profits are keeping your company alive. You may want to help more people but if you don't make enough profit, you cannot keep your customers happy and you cannot keep your employees on a payroll if your sales and marketing team doesn't bring in enough clients and new business. So one of the areas you should invest in, is sales and marketing, because this is the lifeline to keep you alive.
For an analysis or ways to create better systems for your company, you may request a consultation with Nadine by contacting us at 949-421-7562 or visit to claim your free gifts and access our one hour pre-recorded online coaching session.
Have fun and increase your profits while R.A.C.I.N.G. to Success at 180 mph!
PS: Claim your gift on how to increase your sales and marketing with the "R.A.C.I.N.G. System to Your Dreams" at or contact Nadine at 949-421-7562 or
Statistically speaking, fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. In December of 1999, I signed on the dotted line that would dissolve my marriage and make me a life altering member of that looming statistic. Since my divorce, I’ve survived many tragic occurrences in my life, including the loss of a mother, sister and good friend, and did I also tell you that my younger brother passed away after serving time in the Air Force in 1987 or that my dad passed in 1996?
The point I’m trying to make is this: We’ve all had trials and tribulations, sorrows and regrets and cried rivers of tears in the privacy of our own lives. I remember the first time a boy broke my young heart and I thought this was the most excruciating pain anyone should ever have to suffer. It took me nearly two years to get over a first love, but, heck, there have been a few relationship scars since then. When we feel pain, we feel vulnerable and torn from the situation and we’re not caring to think or even act to take on the solution that will make ourselves better.
The one truth lesson that I’ve applied to my life from years of living and learning from life experiences, is that God doesn’t allow it to rain in our lives everyday. We’re not promised a rose garden, either. Those human conditions we have no control over will always resurface, because of the way our good lord planned it. Let’s get real. What you’re going through, many of us have already been there.
I’m not glossing over any part of your life where you’ve felt like you’ve had enough. I’m right there with you. But, instead of berating, denying or beating yourself up about milk that’s already been spilt or a tragedy that cannot be undone, take a step inside of your emotions, allow yourself to open your truth ‘self’ to the pain and let your burdens flow.
You have to believe where once there were rainy days of sorrow; you will awaken to sunny days of Joy. Your job as a spiritual being living a human existence is to be present in every moment of your life and make the decision to move forward, during and after the storm. It’s a great thing this freedom we have of “Choice.”
In June 2012, my life took another unsuspecting turn. After 30 plus years of nursing, I found myself unable to cope with the stress of being responsible for the lives of others. I began to experience overwhelming bouts of anxiety and work related fatigue. I couldn’t believe the changes in healthcare, in which I was a reluctant participant. Sadly, I longed for the nursing days of old, where people were the main concern as opposed to workplace politics and yet, I was feeling like the disgruntled asinine one.
Today, my service to empower other women to live their truths is in full force. I obtained a certificate in leadership and coaching and use my leadership skills and personal life lessons to mentor women on the journey to ‘Becoming.” There’s a journey we must all embark upon. It is the path that leads to knowing who we are; whose we are and what our passion and purpose is. After all the pains, trials and tribulations of financial woes, death, job loss and divorce, I’m not bitter. I’m just blessed to be living and sharing my best life- ever.
About Clara
Clara Freeman is a former nurse living Illinois. A women’s advocate, motivational author and writer, she mentors women on the journey to living an authentic lifestyle. Her work has appeared in numerous publications and websites, including Women on Writing,, Working Nurse Magazine, Today’s Chicago Woman Magazine, Costco Magazine, Bronze Magazine and Women in Business 101 Magazine.
Visit her website for more inspiring messages and to download a copy of her popular eBook, A Life Toward Authenticity-My Authentic Woman Story at
Clara’s author page is accessible at:
What a BIG LOSS of a man who inspired and changed his country and the world by his presence and his work! All prayers and courage to all of his family, friends, citizens and fans! We all should live to his standards! RIP
Since my Trip to Nigeria two months ago, discovering Africa, the people and the heart and soul of Africans, I feel touched by the passing of Nelson Mandela as I would not have been so much before... I also met many South Africans while there, felt the connection with them and was introduced to this culture in different ways.
1- Leadership: Everyone of us is a leader, at some point, and wherever you start, you can achieve so much more that you can imagine. I guess he didn't intend to become such a world leader. It makes me realize how much ONE MAN named “Madiba” by his tribe (or ONE WOMAN like Mother Theresa), with rough beginnings, in prison for 27 years, changed the face of his country, all Africans and every country in the world!
2- Perseverance: Even in jail for so many years, receiving only one visit a year and one letter every 6 months, Nelson Mandela still had faith in human nature. Anti-apartheid leader, he never quit his vision and desire for democratic equality through race, religion and politics. Most of us are giving up too easily and too quickly... He was patient for 27 years and more, pretty amazing
3- Desire of Justice and Integrity: He understood that those 2 elements would help his country in many ways, that racial division and denying blacks the right to vote would never lead to success and prosperity and he did everything in his power to defend it, became the first Black President in South Africa, received over 250 honors and a Nobel Prize. Breaking barriers is possible for everyone, whatever are your challenges and the best leaders and the best athletes in the world, this is what they did. Break your own will give you more freedom.
4- Forgiveness and Love: What a huge lesson he gave to everyone, after everything he had to suffer, being able to forgive and embrace the unification instead of going into anger and rebellion? How many time in our lives are we reacting and just fighting with anger and punishment?
5- Vision and Passion: “If there is anything that would kill me it is to wake up in the morning not knowing what to do”, Mandela said. He was not satisfying himself in just surviving or staying in his comfort zone. His vision, his passion and what he wanted to accomplish on this earth were keeping him alive in prison. How about you? For me, this is so true, my passions of volleyball and piano kept me alive too, until the age of 25 years old, to go through my suicidal thoughts and now inspiring people worldwide to realize their dreams and overcome their challenges.
We can live our lives and make a difference in the world, if we all can do at least 10-20% of what he did, that would be AWESOME, I think! Live for the best, live on the edge and never look back! He inspired all of us, in one way or the other... now our turn to do the same!