High Achiever Video Bonus
Welcome to your Download Page!
The High Achiever Plan 6-Week Online Training Program
With Nadine Lajoie
As promised, here is FREE access to Video #1, with tools and strategies to become a High Achiever. Hope you ENJOY & LEARN a lot, but most importantly, IMPLEMENT the strategies I'm teaching! ;-)
Week #1: Message & Template
Define and document your goals for this program
Develop the 9 components for your “Expert Grid Blueprint™ ”
Leverage your life stories on radio, TV, media interviews (bridges)
Build your template for speeches, books, interviews
If you are interested in continuing this online training,
here is what I will reveal in the next 5 videos:
Week #2: Branding, Sales & Marketing
Create a Clear Action Plan in 6 steps with Nadine’s “Prosperity R.A.C.I.N.G. SystemTM”
Increase your sales by embodying the transactional VS the transformational
Evaluate and speedily improve your website (banner, logo credibility, templates, video, images, sign-up area - top right corner, optimize above the fold, etc…)
How to create a basic website or sign-up pages for less than $100
Create your audio and CD products for less than $20
Increase your branding and exposure on the market
5 critical mistakes to avoid as an entrepreneur
Become unique with branding and create a WOW experience for your clients
Week #2 Homework Assignment
“Prosperity R.A.C.I.N.G. System to your Dreams™” and Workbook
Download and review all shared website links
Week #3: Media Exposure & Press-Kit
Attract more business by creating your own internet radio/Web TV show
What FREE (or almost FREE) software to use online and why?
How to develop your press-kit & media strategy
Attract more attention to your brand profile with Google Hang Out
Build your credibility as an expert with more media exposure
Prepare and structure your interviews within a few minutes
Week #3 – Homework Assignment
“How to start Your Own Radio Show ” (Radio Guide 101 -Audio)
Finalize your “Expert Grid Blueprint™”
Week #4: Productivity & Efficiency
Understand “Time Management Secrets ” and why I became a millionaire at age 41
Structure your week so you have more free time
Control Measurements – what they are and why they are so important.
Change your habits to create better results
Discover your own roadblocks and break through them
The “4 Male/Female Styles in BusinessTM”
Manage priorities and emergencies
Week #4 – Homework Assignment
Complete your Success Assessment Survey
4 Male/Female Styles Test™
Week #5: Business Strategy & Finances
Create your mission & vision
Manage your personal or professional budget in 3 easy steps
Discover why passive income is so important (how $100/month means over $28,000 NOW!)
Create a Business strategy & One-Page Summary
Analyze your financial situation and eliminate your debts
Become an entrepreneur from A to Z and save money
Utilize amazing tools to create your business plan
Week #5 – Homework Assignment
“17-Step Success Formula™ ”
Week #6: Action plan - 36 goals in 36 months
Vision Board & Dream Book
Develop win-win strategies between for-profit and non-profit partnership alliances
Discover your big mission and how to impact communities
Balance your life in 6 areas for more holistic success
Celebrate your Achievements & Successes every 3 months
Refocus on the right priorities
Take advantage of a Licensing opportunity
Accountability & Taking action
Week #6 – Homework Assignment
“12-Quarter Action Plan”
Prepare for your Radio/TV interview with your “Expert Grid Blueprint™ ”
Complete the Evaluation form and comments about the program
Plus Get 5 More Bonuses!
1 hour private mentoring/coaching session with Nadine
My #1 Best-Seller Book "Win the Race of Life"
Next Mastermind or Event at Hotel or Racetrack (Complimentary G.A. Ticket)
Interview and promotion on Nadine's Radio Show or Web TV Show
Nadine’s help to secure and prepare for ONE OTHER interview on Radio/TV/Media OutletTotal
Total Value $1997
Get This Entire Program for only $497! Just 6 Spots Left!
Thanks for registering for this fabulous HIGH ACHIEVER PLAN!
I can guarantee that will learn and acquire a significant amount of knowledge during these 6 weeks!
R.A.C.I.N.G to your Success at 180 MPH!
PS: If you are not 100% convinced, you can always get a Complimentary Strategy Session with Nadine to see how this program can help your company right now or if you want to have access to some free gifts and one Video Training, please feel free to SCHEDULE HERE
or send an email to Looking forward to working with you soon!
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